Metso in brief. Learn about us, our purpose, vision & values, business and strategy.
Would you like to take the opportunity to influence the industry towards a more responsible use of the world¡¯s natural resources?
Metso aims to deliver significant value to all its stakeholders through a range of strategic, commercial, operational and financial benefits.
Sustainability means that we do things efficiently and responsibly in terms of the environment, people and the economy.
Metso¡¯s end-to-end solutions integrate accurate, live data from various sources and incorporate advanced analytics enriched with machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the scope and scale of cloud.
Keep up to date with our latest news and Insights and access the media resources.
We are a global leader in aggregates production solutions for quarries and contractors.
Mobile and stationary units, plants and automation solutions for aggregates production.
Supporting your operations, from plant design expertise to equipment, parts and services for every stage of your process.
Are you looking to increase production, reduce risks, lower operating costs and enhance environmental performance? Then you are in the right place.
Industry leading partner for metals processing technologies.
State-of-the-art processes and technology for sustainable and safe operations.
From the design and supply of products for a greenfield plant, to the addition of a single machine for an existing production line, we are here to help.
Rely on OEM experts because not all parts are created equal. Spare and wear parts built to perform.
Helping you get the most out of your equipment and processes.
Metso and distributors offer personal service wherever you are located. Contact our sales team to get more information.
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